What’s your day rate? 800? 1600? 5000? Over the last two weeks I tested out a beta offer. A one page website, done in a morning.
Part of my beta process was asking the client if they would pay ‘X’ for the service, and asking for an honest response.
Interestingly, both clients – a business owner and former managing director currently launching a non-profit foundation – reflexively ran through the exact same calculation.
They thought about the time it would take them to do what we had gotten done in just under four hours.
They concluded it would have taken them several days and involved lots of frustration since putting together and launching a website – even a one pager – is not something they do everyday.
Then they thought about what they would/could earn in the same amount of time.
‘Oh yeah, easy’ was the answer.
There is an opportunity cost to DIYing something you don’t really know how to do, and it ain’t cheap.
Ready to talk to a pro to help you get your website launched quickly and easily?